Showing posts with label Social networking integration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social networking integration. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Advantages of CMS Website with a Drupal Web Hosting

Ever since its inception, Drupal has been one of the most obscure, sturdy and preeminent Content Management System or CMS available in the market. Because of its valuable and invincible features, Drupal has become more eminent and significant among the bloggers and webmasters.

The bloggers who are staying in any part of the 228 countries around the world can able to use the Drupal CMS to create their favorite websites. Furthermore, the Drupal CMS can also be exploitable in 182 languages. Hence, all the leading websites such as Sony Music, Harvard, Ubuntu and many more in the web have been built using the Drupal CMS.

Many people and organizations across the globe are now using the Drupal CMS to create their blogs and websites because the Drupal CMS works automatically without requiring any programming languages. The Drupal CMS is mainly used to create static websites as well as traditional websites commonly used for both social and commercial purposes.

Using the Drupal CMS, you can able to upload images to your websites or blogs, aggregate contents from different websites, add a blog or news updates from websites, gather news from other websites, link with other companies and share information with them, etc.

Next, by using Drupal, you can also protect your website from spam attack. The visitors who want to leave their comments on your website or blog have to register or sign up first and this makes you effectively manage the content of your website or blog.

Further advantages of using CMS website with a Drupal web hosting are as follows:
  •    Multi-featured: The Drupal Content Management System is one of the multi-featured Content Management Systems provides you all the essential features that are required to build efficient websites. The most important features of Drupal CMS are Page layout customization, RSS-Feeds, system administration menu management, user account registration, etc.
  •         Rightly Organized: The CMS websites with a Drupal hosting are usually organized because the users who use Drupal can able to use smart tools such as customized editor that helps them to control or manage their websites competently. This Content Management System enables you to build user-friendly URLs, custom lists and allied content for the users instinctively.
  •         Easy Customization: By using Drupal CMS web hosting, you can able to easily customize your website’s content whenever and wherever you need. Furthermore, you can also able to amend the features of websites that have been built by using Drupal, based on your requirements or your business requirements.
  •          Efficient Optimization: The Drupal CMS web hosting provides efficient optimization options that assist you to build SEO optimized websites. Thus, your website will get high rank among all available search engines in the web and hence increases user’s visibility.
  •        Better Compatibility: Compatibility is the main advantage that the Drupal web hosting provides. In general, the CMS Drupal websites are compatible with all available operating systems and also with different databases and PHP based programming languages. When compared to other websites, a Drupal website is more attuned and supple and thus it allows you to effortlessly manage and execute your website.
  •       Uncomplicated Installations: As there are various installers available in the market, it is easy and convenient for you to install and setup Drupal websites. This is because the installers usually select the required settings automatically by themselves and hence facilitate easy installation of the Drupal websites and plug-ins.
  •      Effectual Administration: The Drupal CMS web hosting offers various great options for new user accounts as well as for new user permissions. It also used to assign roles for users and thus each role has been setup with proper permissions that allow users to create or view content only if the administrator provides permission.
  •          Perfect Collaboration: Using Drupal, you can able to create your websites and applications to allow the users to connect with others and share their opinions. Thus, you can have an effective control on the users who create, view, publish or interact with your website content.
  •          Flexible Connection Capabilities: By using aggregation, feeds and search engine competence of Drupal, you can easily connect your website with other websites and also with services across the World Wide Web. Drupal widely supports social networking integration that helps you to engage yourself with a large number of audiences.
  •          Rapid Building of Websites: The Drupal web hosting allows you to easily build internal and external-facing websites within few hours, without requiring any custom programming. It provides you pre-defined configuration of website features as well as for functions for a particular purpose or a specific type of website. 
  •         Extensible modules: Drupal provides you more than 16,000 modules, which help you to address all your website’s requirements. The available add-on modules provide great support to the functionality of your website based on your business requirements. You can also able to contribute modules to others and allow them to use whenever they need. 

These are the major advantages of the Drupal web hosting that provides its users with various benefits that range from customizing websites content to amending the website’s setup, that enhance the growth of their website and thus enable them to get grand success in their businesses.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why Consumer's are Dumping their Brands on Social Media?

Just went back in time and review the history of communication we used before. When comparing our old traditional way of communication, we would realize that we definitely have come a long way. In this modern era, people are leaping into the social media world by using the platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and many more, to get information about the current happenings of the world. Consequently, Social Media communication has turned out to become a norm and more powerful than before.

Due to the rapid changes in technology, the traditional media like newspapers, televisions and films are all losing their popularity among people, as they just provide information alone to the public. Simply presenting information is not enough for today’s public. The people are expecting something that they can able to select what they want to read and also to contribute their opinions. This drastic shift is nothing but the social media revolution.

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Social media has promptly integrated into our daily lives, both personally and professionally, and completely changed the nature of interactions. It has a greater impact on the world of marketing, with brands and consumers, and offers an enormous amount of benefits and changes.

Generally, consumers believe their friends and the people they relate to. They connect themselves with them through social media to share and exchange ideas and information about brands. This is the main reason why the social media sites are continuously growing.

Social media facilitates consumers and brands to connect in different ways that were never possible before. It allows individuals to form friendships and advertise themselves. Hence, the Internet users have started spending their time with social media websites when compared to any other sites.

Recently, the research has been done on the consumers, who have connected with a brand on social network, to know why they get connected with a brand. The report said, 73% of consumers connected to get discounts and offers and 20% of consumers connected to get general information make complaints and give feedback. The report also said that, 33% of consumers connected to know about new products and trends at the first instance, 44% want to give support to the brand they like and 26% want to have a voice with the brand.

Social media provides opportunities to get more customers and connect with them for your business. The main reason that makes a consumer to connect with brands on social media is the first-to-know concept i.e. the consumer can able to know the information about new products first. Another reason is that the consumer can get trusted information about products from known people connected via social media. Therefore, the adoption of social media by consumers to dump their brands is rapidly spreading in this corporate world.