Showing posts with label Palm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palm. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2013

Select the Development Platform for Mobile Which Suits Your Business Requirements

Do you want to ascertain a mobile presence for your business? Do you want to unlock the potential of latest mobile phones on mass-market devices? But are you confused about which mobile platform suits your business requirements?
As a business owner, it is really a tough choice for you to select a preeminent mobile platform to set up to mobilize the workforce. Before selecting the development platform for mobile, it is important for you to be aware about both windows OS and Android OS, even though so many mobile operating systems are available in the market.

Android is compared to be the best mobile operating system that plays an imperative role in business environment. As per the survey, Android has covered nearly 40% of the market in recent times.

Conversely, windows operating system has also reached a wide range of business owners in the market. It has been in the market for long time and hence proved as a successful operating system in some mobile devices.

The main functionality of windows operating system is multi-tasking. Suppose, if your business strategies are into the multi-tasking process, then it is advisable to choose windows platform for your business. Similarly, Android operating system also supports multi-tasking functions while most business people prefer this operating system for their businesses as it provides various other multi-function features.

Another feature provided by windows is “Skydrive”. This feature is completely based on the cloud server concept. If you have a huge amount of data and you want to access them in various modes, then “Skydrive” is the sync feature that allows you to safely access the data from anywhere across the globe.  Likewise, Android also provides a sync feature called as “Google Drive”.  This feature allows you to perform best sync function from anywhere around the world.

Moreover, windows operating system also offers several applications that provide more security and authentication. However, android is an open source operating system that provides less security when compared to windows operating system. Therefore, it is very important to decide the application for the basis of security to make your mobile device more secured.

The most important factor that makes most business people prefer Android is its flexibility. You can able to add or inherit multiple functionalities into the Android platform whereas this is impossible in windows platform. Therefore, windows operating system is considered as a more secured operating system when compared to Android operating system.

Other most commonly used mobile operating systems are Blackberry, Palm, Symbian and iOS.

Blackberry is the most popular platform used greatly for mobile emailing purposes. But still some of the functionalities that you can have from other operating systems are lacking in Blackberry OS. Therefore, this operating system is not much preferred for businesses purposes.

Similarly, Symbian is another operating system that is widely used by mobile brands like Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and Motorola. This operating system was very popular among people around the world until the end of 2010, when the Android operating system came into existence.

The iOS operating system or iPhone OS is the most popular mobile operating system introduced by Apple Inc. In contrast to windows operating system and Android operating system, Apple doesn’t license this operating system for installation process. When compared to Android operating system, iOS is not flexible and customizable and hence it is not much preferred by business people for their businesses.

Unlike windows OS and Android OS, Palm OS doesn’t support multi-tasking functionality. Therefore, this operating system is less preferred by business people for their businesses.

By considering and comparing all these factors of mobile operating systems, it is important for business people to choose the right development platform for mobile that suits their business requirements.